Redefining the cutting edge.
MPath’s love affair with additive manufacturing began with a fascination and a desire to understand new technologies that were pushing the envelope of capabilities.
Mary Beth began working with Tangible Solutions, a local medical manufacturer focused on additive titanium production for medical implants and complex biomedical applications. That fascination led to an opportunity to translate Tangible’s work to the U.S. Air Force, ultimately resulting in a global symposium on additive manufacturing.
After a personal request from her daughter to learn the technology as hobbyists, Mary Beth and MPath began immersing themselves in the 3D Printing hobbyist community and studying the behavior of audience interactions and user experience, using their knowledge to benefit clients, such as See3D, an Ohio-based nonprofit that utilizes 3D Printing technology to empower users with vision impairments, blindness and other disabilities through 3D modeling, parts and model delivery and education, ultimately empowering users to learn the art and science of 3D printing without obstacles.